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Arul Lakshminarayan: From dual-unitary to quantum Bernoulli circuits
Arul Lakshminarayan: A road to quantum Bernoulli circuits
Arul Lakshminarayan: Dual Unitary Circuits as Models of Many-Body Quantum Chaos
Two-Day Workshop to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the SMR paper: Arul Lakshminarayan
Quantum Entanglement: From paradoxes to reality by Prof. Arul Lakshminarayan, IITM on Nov 04,2022
Nonlinear matrix maps and the generation of quantum entanglement
Quantum chaos, random matrices and statistical physics (Lecture 03) by Arul Lakshminarayan
Avoided crossings, superpositions, and entanglement 49 Dr Arul Lakshminarayan
Exact results on dynamics of dual unitary circuits and their perturbations - T. Prosen
Dual unitary, two-unitary and multi-unitary matrices by Karol Życzkowski
Correlation functions in perturbed dual unitary circuits by Tomaž Prosen
International Physics Webinar_194